Monday, October 26, 2009

Started my Keyboarding and computer class

Today, it was fun, but my hands got tired of typing. I have to go Monday through Friday for the next 4 weeks. He gave us some web sites we could go to at home to practice with. I tried to practice when I came home but got tired.

The computer class will help us with a cover letter and a resume. Also I have to get a flash drive before Tuesday of next week. So I can save what I did in class to bring home.

The deer came back to my back yard yesterday, there are 6 deer. Looked like 3 doe and 3 babies, the babies are about as big as the doe’s

Friday, October 23, 2009

The picture of the 2 deer

I posted last year. I think they have babies now. I have been seeing them since before summer with there babies. I get to see the babies grow up. They were in my back yard this evening. I’m not sure when it was, the lighting picture I had posted, after the lighting a Doe and her baby came out of the woods across the street in my front yard. The baby was small. It had got separated from it’s Mom and just flopped down in my yard. I think one of these deer's is that baby.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Haven’t found a job yet

I had classes at the Voc Rehab last week. Have to go back this Thursday. I have also signed up for keyboarding and computer classes at our local community college, they are free for people who are unemployed. Hopefully I will have a job by Christmas.

My counselor said when I finish the keyboarding and computer classes to let him know. Also when I had the class at the Voc Rehab, they gave us a certificate he said we could use it with our resume.