Tuesday, April 21, 2009


How you get use to something. I still look at Sparkles cage expecting to see her in it. I can't seem to get use to her being gone. I have even come close to going out there to feed her.

I got a tick off me Saturday. It had been there a couple of days I think. And now it is itching me. When it starts itching I put alcohol on it. That's the first tick I have found on me in a long time. And the first one that has ever bitten me.

My daughter said my grand baby weights 17 and something pounds. And she is sitting up now. She is a little over 7 months. I have to watch her today while my daughter works. It will just be a few hours. The first time I watched her while my daughter worked I did not feed her. She had already eaten before she came that day. She is getting so big, use to she would eat ever 2 to 3 hours. It's strange now she is going longer between feedings.
I guess I had better head to bed and get some sleep so I can watch her.

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