Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Thought I would update everyone on what I have been doing. I have started to volunteer at our local pet adoption center. I have been there the past 2 days for a few hours. I met a nice woman and her daughter there they were volunteering to. The first day I was there, I took a black lab puppy out, he or she, I did not get to play with it long enough to know what it was, when a couple ask me was it adoptable. I told them yes. They took the puppy. That made me feel pretty good. After that I took a small dog and walked it some, I think it was mixed with terrier and Jack Russell. It had fun smelling all around. When I went there today, I took a medium size dog out. But it was pulling me, I was afraid it would get away from me, so I took it in a penned in area where it could run around. All she wanted to do was smell everywhere, I could not get her to play. I let her smell around a little bit then I took her back in and got the same one I got yesterday, the terrier mix. All he was interested in was the people that worked there, he wanted to follow one of the men taking out trash. I told him he needed to take him home. He said it was just the uniform he was interested in. I took him back in and saw another lab puppy they had gotten today. It had a white streak down it’s head, but it was almost all black like the other one. I was talking to the kitties that were there, then a sad thought hit me, all they could do was stay in there little cage, they could not run around like my cats do and play. I had to leave after that thought hit me. It’s kind of sad seeing them like that. I could have taken a kitty out, they said they have a special play room for them. But I have not ask how I could take them out, don’t know if I would just carry them or what. One kitty was laying in it’s litter box. And that made me think how my cats have laid in boxes, I had a cat one time, that loved laying  in a shoe box. I think the next time I go I will get a kitty. Most all of them want attention. I could pet one and another one would be sticking his paws out trying to get my attention. I thought that was so cute. Hope everyone is having a good week, and hope you had a great Christmas.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Our first snow of the year

And it isn’t winter yet.


Friday, November 20, 2009

I stopped taking the computer class

It was boring. What he was teaching I already knew. But another thing came out of me quitting that class, the Vocational Rehabilitation is sending me to a mall where they teach customer care, I am working with a computer and Microsoft Word, learning tables. It is fun, and not boring.

I knew a little bit about word, but I did not know anything about tables. After what I learned last week, I could make a newsletter now, if I new what to write in a newsletter.

I will get a certificate when the class is over. I only go 2 days a week, from 9 to 3. And the rehab place pays for my lunch. They even provide transportation. I love this class. O and there is only 2 other people taking the class besides me. So that is a big help.

With me talking about the rehab place people might think it is something else, but what they do they help you find a job and if you need training they will train you or get you training. They are a state agency. I have not worked in so long and not been around many people, I lost my confidence some where. So they are helping me get my confidence back and put it this way they are helping to make me over. I am so grateful for that. I am in North Carolina, I am posting a link for NC so you can read about them. If you need help, I’m sure your state would have the same help.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Ishie

Sorry I did not know about this sooner. I don’t remember seeing anything about your Birthday until it was to late. They usually remind us, sooner.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Started my Keyboarding and computer class

Today, it was fun, but my hands got tired of typing. I have to go Monday through Friday for the next 4 weeks. He gave us some web sites we could go to at home to practice with. I tried to practice when I came home but got tired.

The computer class will help us with a cover letter and a resume. Also I have to get a flash drive before Tuesday of next week. So I can save what I did in class to bring home.

The deer came back to my back yard yesterday, there are 6 deer. Looked like 3 doe and 3 babies, the babies are about as big as the doe’s

Friday, October 23, 2009

The picture of the 2 deer

I posted last year. I think they have babies now. I have been seeing them since before summer with there babies. I get to see the babies grow up. They were in my back yard this evening. I’m not sure when it was, the lighting picture I had posted, after the lighting a Doe and her baby came out of the woods across the street in my front yard. The baby was small. It had got separated from it’s Mom and just flopped down in my yard. I think one of these deer's is that baby.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Haven’t found a job yet

I had classes at the Voc Rehab last week. Have to go back this Thursday. I have also signed up for keyboarding and computer classes at our local community college, they are free for people who are unemployed. Hopefully I will have a job by Christmas.

My counselor said when I finish the keyboarding and computer classes to let him know. Also when I had the class at the Voc Rehab, they gave us a certificate he said we could use it with our resume.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Not much going on

I'm out of a job now. The place I went to work at 2 months ago went out of business. Don't really know why. They said it was different things that made them decide to close. They announced it on Monday after minimal wage went up on the Friday before. They did give everyone a 2 week notice at least. I said to myself a job that I liked and they had to close. Same thing with products I like they stop carrying them. I was at Food Lion looking for Hungry Jack biscuits there wasn't any. So I ask about them, and yes just as I thought they are not carry them any more. There was a frozen pizza I liked at Food Lion they do not carry that any more. So much for being loyal to a store, seems I will have to shop some where else.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Another wild lighting pic.

Monday, June 22, 2009

My Deer

I guess it was a she, came out this evening about 7, I was in the house and saw it. I went on the front porch and zoomed in on it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 6 of my job

I made it this week. She only had me to work until Friday, but yesterday she ask me to come in today. I did. And I stayed busy the whole 3 and 1/2 hours I was there. I really do enjoy washing dishes. I hope I get to keep the job. As far as I know it is just temporarily, I have not heard any different yet. Guess I will know next week. I go back Tuesday.
Yesterday when I got home the boy across the street met me at my mailbox. He said Little Bill had gotten lose. I told him I wondered how long it would take Little Bill to find out he could get lose. LOL Last Saturday, the boy had brought somebody over with him, and the other person scared Little Bill, he broke the tie out I have him on. He did not know it was broke, I saw that it was broke after they left. He was in his dog house. I could not do anything at the time, so I just tied it back together and put duct tape on it to hold where I tied it.
Thursday I had gotten another tie out just like he had, but I had not put him on it. The little boy did not know I had gotten one, he had put Little Bill in a fence up the road at the man's house that gave Little Bill to Casey. I went up there with the boy to get Little Bill. He come bringing him out, and when Little Bill saw me, he came running up to me, making the boy run to. So he gave Little Bill to me, I walked him around to my Explorer. It was funny, while I had him he would stop and wait on me to catch up to him, he did not try to run with me. When Casey was here, Casey had him on a leash and gave him to me, so he could put Little Bill and the other dog he had up. Little Bill tried to run, but I told him no and he stopped, he has not tried to run with me since. He is a very smart dog. When I got him to my Explorer I opened the back door to put him in, it was so cute he put his front paws on the runner, trying to get in, but he couldn't I picked him up and put him on the back seat, he laid down. When we got to the house, I left him in there with the air on, while I got the tie out. When I got back to him, he had jumped into the very back, and could not jump back over. I had to open the back to get him out. That time he jumped out. The wire that is in the tie out, slid through my hand and cut it lightly. Not a bad cut. I got him tied back and gave him some water. Cause it was really hot yesterday, I think it was in the low 90's. While I was getting the water I turned back around to him, he was at his food bowl. I think he wanted a snack. Cause he was at the side where I put scraps in for him. It is a double bowl, one side is for his food and the other is for scraps. So I got him a snack. He seemed happy after that.
mmmmmm I might be spoiling him now.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I have a job

But don't know how long it will last. I am filling in for a woman that is out sick.
My Aunt had told me about a ice cream place that she use to work at, she said they needed a dishwasher. Well, I went Tuesday and filled out a application. The owner was not there when I went, so I left it there. Friday come and I had not heard anything from them. So Friday I called my cousin and told her. That afternoon my Aunt called and wanted to know if I wanted to go up there to eat. I said yes. So I met her and my Uncle up there, after we ate, the owners wife was at the register. My Aunt talked to her. She said they had filled the position, but they did have somebody out sick, and the woman had ask for 2 weeks off. She wasn't sure if the woman would be back. She wanted to know if I would fill in for her, I said I would. And she also told me about her friend owned a catering business, she said she would give her my name and number. And she told me she would talk to her husband about me filling in and she would give me a call over the weekend or Monday.
This morning when I got up there was a message on the answering machine. The woman's husband called about 10 and wanted me to come in. I fixed my coffee and took a few sips and called them. I told the woman I had just got up. She said that was fine and if I wanted to come in to train I could come when I could.
I got there about 1 and they worked me until 4:30. I liked the job, all I had to do was wash dishes, clean tables off and put up dishes. And I fixed up a box of to go boxes with the paper and napkins.
I did not know my back was hurting until I got off work. I do not have to go back to work until Tuesday. So maybe my back will be better by then.
Hopefully things are looking up on the job scene.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

No storms

But we have had plenty of rain.
And the baby deer was gone this morning.

Storms Today

I just had to post this picture of lighting I took. A few minutes after this lighting, a Doe and her baby came in the yard. A truck came down the road and scared them. The baby lost its Mom and flopped down in the yard not far from the house. It was still there when it got dark. I hope it finds its Mom.
We are suppose to have storms tomorrow to.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Here it is June

I forgot to say I had lunch again with the other women who had lost there children. I think we went on May 21st. I have not felt to good in the past week. We had went to a place where I had not eaten at in a while. But that day I wasn't feeling good and did not enjoy my meal, but I went any way. It was nice. One of the women said she wanted to start a local group, she called the name but I don't remember what it was, the closes group like that is about 30 minutes away. She was wanting to know who would help her. The woman I knew said she would help. That was about all we talked about, they all had to get back to work.

My grand baby is finally crawling. She is so cute, when she crawls she has her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth. And my other grand children are getting so tall. I think they are going to be taller than me. I think my grand son already is taller than me.

I went to the skin doctor today, because the Vocational Rehabilitation wanted me to go, because it had been over a year since I had been to a skin doctor, that's ok cause I had plenty to show the doctor, both my legs are broke out and so are my elbows. This is from my Psoriasis not fun stuff, it reminds me of Poison Oak when you break out with that. They needed me to go so they can see if I am eligible for there services. They need to hurry and decided something. It has already been 60 days I think. They said my time had run out and they had to extend my days. Not sure what that means.
I hope every thing is going great for everyone else.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My clock sold

For $5.00, that's no fun. What happen to people bidding and raising the price. That's the way my auctions have been. Somebody wait to the last minute to bid on it, so nobody else will bid. They get it for the list price. Don't know if I want to try that again.

Happy Mother's Day to all Mother's out there. Hope you have a great Mother's Day.

I think I'm going to sleep most of the day. Maybe?

Monday, May 4, 2009

I have a clock on Ebay to sell. I thought I would try Ebay again. I do need to get rid of some of my stuff that I do not have anywhere to put them.
I have some dolls, my brother gave me when his first wife died. I'm not sure I want them. They are just sitting around collecting dust. And my daughter does not want them. She already picked out what she wanted.
I was looking out my kitchen window today. And what did I see? The ground hog that I have not seen in a couple of years. I had taken a picture of him the first time I saw him, but it wasn't a good picture. Maybe he will come out again and I can get a better picture of him. I just thought the first time I saw him it was a clouded day and today it is cloudy. Maybe he is scared of his shadow.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lunch went well today

It was really nice, the only thing it wasn't long enough they had to get back to work. And with this swine flu scare, all 3 women work where it could affect them. 2 of the women work at a medical lab and the other 1 works at the health department. So they were all warned about it.

I think we are going to start our own support group for parents that have lost little children. Most of the groups that we know of, are like I said before parents of grown children. I know the man at the funeral home said no matter how old, they are still your children. But to me it's not the same, my child and other children did not get to grow up and experience adult life. Like me I have already lived, but Casey did not get to live. That's what my husband says to. He wonders why Casey had to die and not him.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lunch Date Tomorrow

I am having lunch with 3 women that there children had passed away to. One of the women I know, her daughter passed away about 2 months after Casey did. Her daughter was a freshman at the high school where Casey would have been going this year. I had contacted her to let her know that I knew how she felt. I guess I wanted to comfort her. Because after Casey died I felt so alone. Everyone that I knew still had there children. The other 2 women, all I know about them that they lost their children. I think the woman I know had met them off the Internet at Beyond Indigo or Blue Lagoon, something like that, it was a site for parents that had lost there children. I have been to one of those sites, and saw there were other children name Casey that had died. After seeing that other Casey's had died, I wonder if I had of named him something else would he have died. I have heard our life's are not already set out for us. Things just happen. I do not go to those sites much, I had not been in a long time, so I checked it out last week. But it was under construction. All you could do was light a candle. And have others light one to.

The woman I know, her and her husband had went to a support group after there daughter died. They went to a few, and she had invited me, but I did not go. I had went to one group at the funeral home, the man that was running it had lost his daughter when she was in her 20's. And the others there children were already adults. None were a child. And this one couple it had been 8 years since there son had died in his 40's and they were still going to the meetings. I was going to the next meeting, but when I got there the man that was running it was in the hospital. So I did not try to go anymore. I thought why go when all you were going to do was talk about your children and cry. I could do that on my own. I guess what I did helped, I talked to friends. Also my doctor would not give me anything like nerve pills, he wanted me to heal natural. He told me I needed to cry. I guess he was right. I am better now, I can talk about Casey and not cry. I can talk about the funny things. He always kept us going. Things sure were lively when he was here. Now life is boring without him.
Maybe we will start our own group to help others that have lost there children, and I mean children that have not grown up. I said when Casey died, I had gotten him this far but I could not get him to an adult. Maybe others feel that way to, or maybe I am strange. I don't know. But now I know, what ever I did I could not have helped Casey. Even if we did know about Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. There is nothing a doctor can do to help. If they had of caught the aorta dissection and fixed it, it could have popped up somewhere else.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

In Memory of Sparkle

I thought this would be a nice tribute to Sparkle. A dear friend sent it to me. There is a poem about the rainbow bridge to. I found the poem, but not sure about copying it here, so I will just post the link to it.
I also found this site, they let you print it out with your pets name.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


How you get use to something. I still look at Sparkles cage expecting to see her in it. I can't seem to get use to her being gone. I have even come close to going out there to feed her.

I got a tick off me Saturday. It had been there a couple of days I think. And now it is itching me. When it starts itching I put alcohol on it. That's the first tick I have found on me in a long time. And the first one that has ever bitten me.

My daughter said my grand baby weights 17 and something pounds. And she is sitting up now. She is a little over 7 months. I have to watch her today while my daughter works. It will just be a few hours. The first time I watched her while my daughter worked I did not feed her. She had already eaten before she came that day. She is getting so big, use to she would eat ever 2 to 3 hours. It's strange now she is going longer between feedings.
I guess I had better head to bed and get some sleep so I can watch her.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My dog died

The dog I could not find a good picture of is the one that died. The last pictures I have of her is in 2007. She wasn't much for taking her picture. She would always bark when we tried to take her picture. She died in her sleep. She was in her dog house and looked like she was sleeping. I think she was broken hearted and lonely. I tried to keep her company sometimes. But I was not Casey. Casey was always in the back yard with her. And I think I noticed her howling about this time last year. She ate the day before she died. And the next day when I went to feed her she would not eat. My husband went out the next morning to check on her and he found her dead. She had been howling off and on the past year toward evening. I would go and check on her when she howled or I would open the window and talk to her, but I guess it wasn't enough. She loved children. One afternoon when I went to feed her, the little boy across the road went with me. She perked up when she saw him. He use to play with Casey, so she knew him.
She had the prettiest blue eyes. She was Austrian Shepard and Lab mix. I am just 5 feet tall and when she stood up that's how tall she was. I'll miss her.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter is almost here

I found another picture of Casey hunting Easter Eggs.

I have pictures all over the place. I need to get better organized.

I went today to see the counselor. Not much was done, he wants me to have a evaluation done, to see what I am able to do in a job. She called a little while ago, I have a appointment on the 14th of this month. It will take about 2 hours she said.

I talked to my husband yesterday, not sure where he is. He's doing ok so far on the truck.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I have a question

What could be wrong with me? I don't know how to explain. But I am scared to meet new people now. I could get a job in the food service I think, like running a register. But for some reason I am scared to face a customer.

Before Casey died it did not bother me, I could do it. I was a hairstylist for about 16 years, but I have been away from that work about 5 years. I had went to the shop where I use to work to get my hair cut, one of the stylist there said they were going to need help. I had been thinking about going back to that, but I also thought I don't think I can do that anymore. I even told the woman that cut my hair, that I did not think I could do it anymore. She knew Casey had died and she told me also she did not think I could do it. Wonder why that is? Seems my life has turned upside down, and I don't feel like the same person. I want to work to help buy things for my grand daughter, and also to help pay bills. But I am scared.
I am just started a business, I am going to sell Cookie Lee Jewelry an now I am wondering can I do that, can I face people?

Here's my little chunky pumpkin.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Filled out papers today

At the Rehab place. I have appointment with a counselor the 7th of this month. Those papers were a little confusing. I had to ask a few questions as to what something meant. I also had to fill out 2 papers giving my doctors permission to tell them about my disability. The only disability I have is Psoriasis. If that is a disability. I guess I will know when I go back the 7th.
I had to go up there today with gauze and tape on the back of my hand, my hand had broke out, and sometime last night in my sleep I scratched it. It woke me up hurting. I put my cream on it and a white glove and went back to sleep.
If you have ever had poison oak or Ivy that is what it reminds me of. I would get that stuff as a kid and I will never forget how it was. Sometime now I will use OTC medicine for poison ivy. It stops the itch.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm back online

I switched phone companies and when I did that, it knocked my internet out. I had to call them last thursday to get it back on and they claim they could not get to it until today. I had to get another line for my DSL, butttttt he used the line I had the phone hooked to. So now I have a cord running from the box outside to my phone. I think that man was thinking the phone company I switched to uses the internet, because he was talking about voice over something. I spent all afternoon trying to get things straight.
My neighbor said she did the same thing last year and they messed hers up to she had to call them back out to her house. I only have 2 phone jacks in the house, so one of them is going to have to be used for internet and the other one needs to be used as the phone. I was all confussed and still am. I can't keep that cord running from the outside in through the back door. What a mess.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

O Me

Now my telephone has been cut off, and I don't think I will have the money to get it back on for a while. I have signed up with dpi for phone service. It's a lot cheaper than my phone company. But they will not have it turned on for at least 7 days. Wonder how I am suppose to get calls about a job with no phone?

I put in a application online at a place the Employment Security Commission gave me. I did that last thursday. The man at the Employment place said to give it a couple of days and then call them to see if they got the application. Well I called them yesterday and the woman that I was suppose to talk to, I did not get to talk to, it went to her voice mail. I called 2 times yesterday and she did not call me back. So I went to Mama's to call her again today, I still did not get to speak to her, it went to the voice mail. This time I left my Mom's phone number.
The Employment place gave me the name of a Vocatioal Rehabilitation place they assess you and train you for a job. The woman I talk to said they train handicap people. She wanted to know what my handicap was, I told her I have psoriasis and I use to be a hair stylist, but I can't do it anymore because of my psoriasis. It makes me itch and so does hair. And I told her I can not work around chemicals. She accepted me, I have a appointment on April 1st. I'm suppose to bring my doctors name and address, and some other things, can't remember what, but she said I will get a letter in the mail. I sure hope they can help me. I had told the man at the Employment office that I had went through there dislocated workers program about 18 years ago for cosmetology. They must not have that any more because he wanted me to call the Vocational place. He said they train you. I had told him I was going to take medical transcription at the Community Collage but it cost to much money. And I could not get help with the payment because what I wanted to take was a certificate program. O me maybe one day soon I will have a job.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Casey

Today would have been Casey's 15th birthday. If he had of been here I just can't believe he would have been that old. I am taking this birthday a lot better than last year, because he died almost a month before his 14th birthday. Also last year Easter was a day after his birthday. In all his life I never remember Easter being so close to his birthday. He loved Easter, because he loved to hunt Easter eggs. He was always so good at hunting them, he always got the most eggs, even when he was little at the day care, they said he got more eggs than the other kids. I would bet if he was still here as old as he would be I think he would still want to hunt Easter eggs. He wasn't much on trick or treating.
This one they were hunting eggs in the front yard.
I have more but they are not scanned into my computter. Holidays were really important to him. I even have pictures of his birthdays. His 13th birthday I did not make a big deal out of it, he had school that day, I just invited his friend and his friends family over and we had hot dogs. I can't find the picture of his last birthday. I'm not sure if it is here on the computer or if I have it as a picture somewhere. I wanted to post it, because his friends Mom could always make him blush. It was a good picture of him blushing. He was kind of shy, I thought. But the kids said he could always make them laugh. So maybe he was not shy around the kids. I know he always kept on making us laugh here at home. Just like when he was five, I had said I needed to wax my car. He spoke up and said "good I can clean my ears out now". I had to laugh at that and tell him it wasn't that kind of wax. It took him awhile before he could talk, but when he did start talking he did not stop. I think he was close to 4 before he started talking. Well I will post this now and go look for that picture. Happy Birthday Casey, love you much. I found the picture, after I remembered where it was, I went right to it.
It was with all the pictures that my daughters had gotten up for the furneal home. They made a cd of Casey's life and played it the night the vistors came. I think we got a couple of copies of it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Husband went to work

Well we got my husband to SC, we thought we were going to have to go back and get him. The doctor was not going to pass him to drive. So my husband had to call the gene doctor to get him to fax a paper to that doctor. After the doctor got the paper and read it, he passed him. That was a big relief. It felt like a big weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Yesterday I went to the Employment Security Office trying to get help finding a job or going back to school. I still want to get into doing office work in the medical field. I would like to do medical transcription. He gave me one job to fill a applaction online I did that. He also told me to call Social Security to try to get a work and salary history. I called today, but the woman said I had to pay for it. I ask how much, she said for 1 year it was 15 dollars. She thought up to 5 years would be up to 40 dollars. I said I would have to forget that. But instead the woman helped me with the years. I worked at one place that I thought was 2007 come find out it was in 2005, I did not think it was that long. Man time sure does fly. He also gave me a place to call that it's called Vocationl Rehabilitation he said they could test me and see what kind of work I can do and they will also train. Sounds like things are beginning to look up. Maybe I will have a job or do some kind of training soon.
I just want to stay busy now, I do not like staying at home anymore. All that is here are my dogs and cats. That's all I have to take care of now.
These are pictures of 3 of my critters, I can't find one of my other dog.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Husband going to SC

Well my husband is going to try to go back to driving a truck. I have to take him to Sparkenburg, SC. He will have to be a rehire, because his medical leave ran out Feb.21. Since he was not ready to go back to work by then it was like he quit.
I had a interview with Wal-Mart but never heard anything out of them, they kept saying they would call, that was a month ago. I saw in the paper today they had charged 3 people with Larceny by employee. I think that is a shame, they hire somebody that stole from them and they did not hire me who would not steal from them, I just want to work.
We have had rain for the past 4 days it is getting very depressing, I have been thinking more of Casey since this rain has been around. Hopefully tomorrow will be pretty it is suppose to be in the 60's. It has been cold with this rain.
Saturday my sister-in-law gave me a notebook with recipes, she wanted me to type them up for her. She had gotten them from her ex-mother-in-law that lives in W Virgina. I got 6 typed up and sent to her, but did not feel like doing any today. I have not done much at all today, I guess it is the rain. Well I guess this is all I know for now.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Doctor appointment

Well my husband had another appointment with the gene doctor. They called last week and said he does have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. When we saw the doctor he said he did not see why he could not live a long life with care looking at my husbands Mom. My husbands Mom is 69. She out lived her 2 brothers and a sister. My husband can resume a normal life, but certain things he can not do. For one he can not lift weights to try to build up muscles. He can lift weights to keep his strenth up, he can't do a hobby that might hurt him. He will have to wear a medical braclet or necklace to warn of the EDS.
Our daughter with the baby needs to be checked to see if she has it. I'm hoping she does not have it. She does not have the features of having EDS. She has a round face like mine.
We ask about Casey, cause I told the dr, I had noticed Casey's face getting long before he died. We showed him a picture of Casey. He said Casey had EDS. When he looked at his picture he said Casey's chin would have started going in like his Dad's. This is Casey in 2006-2007. The second picture is 2007-2008 they were taken in the fall.

The dr said the narrow bridge in his nose is a feature of the diease. He said his chin would have started going in to. I ask about the arota dissection, because I had read on the EDNF site that EDS does not cause those. The doctor said it does. He said not to take what I read on the internet seriously, cause most people that write on the boards and stuff have really bad syptoms. My husband has went this long without any trouble, so his is not so bad. My husband is 44.
I don't know in a way I wished this had of happened before Casey died, then we could have know to watch for things. But then if Casey had not have died he might at some time go through the things my husband has went through. And Casey would have had trouble with his teeth. I still miss Casey, but I would not have wanted him to have the troubles that EDS causes. He was saved from all that. I love you Casey and am looking forward to seeing you again.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I still miss my son

Well it has been a year today. I still miss my son. I was going to say my baby, but he was not a baby, he was my big helper. All the years before he was born and before he got big enough to start helping me, I was use to doing things myself with no problem. But I had gotten so use to him helping me, now I can't do things like I use to. Physical I can, but it just mental I feel I can't. When ever a light blub burnt out he changed it for me, I'm not good with height, and every light blub in this house, I have to stand on something to change it. Casey had to stand on something to, but heights did not bother him. He use to throw things on the roof, just so he could climb up there to get it. I got scared every time he got up there.
Today the social worker from the school called cheking on us, just to make sure we were ok and she told me if we ever needed her to call. She remember today was the day Casey died. I was surprised she remembered. I told her about what my husband may have, and I gave her the website. She said she had never heard of it. I told her there was a section there for parents and teachers with kids that have EDS. I thought it would be a big help to her.
I guess this is all, I feel I am not making any since of what I am writing, I'm just rambling.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bad news

Like I said before things are not good and they don't seem they are going to get any better.
My husband went to the gene doctor yesterday, they drew some blood for test. But the doctor is thinking he may have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Type IV. They gave me a website to check out, it is , I was reading about it and when I got to the last part it said people with that do not usually live past there 40's. My husband is 44.
So now I don't know what will happen. They said it may take about 2 or 3 weeks before the results come back. But there is not much the doctors can do about what he has.
O and he went to the doctor Monday that was going to put him back together, but now the doctor said he wasn't going to do it unless the gene doctor said it was ok. His other doctor said he could have a stroke if he put him back together.
I guess this is all I can think of now. If I think of anymore I will post, but right now I have to get ready to go to my Mom's, my brother and his wife are coming and we are going to Casey's grave and then going out to eat.
I hope everyone has a great Valentines day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Not much better

Things are not much better. My husband has been in the hospital 2 more times. One he had a abscess, not sure how that is spelled. But they put a tube and a bottle at the end so it would drain. Well he got over that and about 2 weeks ago I had to take him back. He said his kidney and side was hurting. And he was throwing up. That scared me. Because he did something that reminded me of Casey. They kept him a few days, then sent him home. They did not do anything. He has weakening of his arteries. And through all that I found out the way Casey died is the way my husbands mother, mother died. My husbands right kidney is not getting enough blood, the doctor says the vein going to his kidney has a spilt in it. The doctor says they could fix it, but for some reason they were not going to do it. My husband had 2 uncles to die with aneurysm of the kidney. So I don't know what might happen, they gave him a cholesterol medicine, they said his cholesterol was a little high. So right now all we do is go to doctor appointments and wait around. I don't know if he will die to, like his uncles or not.
They are suppose to hook him back up sometime this month I think, where he will not have that bag on his side. That's about all for now. I finally have a cold or something, I'm coughing and I feel like if you take my head off I will be ok. I have not felt this way in 2 or 3 years. If I think of something else I will update, but right now this is all I can think of. Thank You!